The India Energy Hour

Climate Action

State of the Indian Energy Transition

India’s energy transition is central to global climate action. But where does India’s energy transition stand? What are the key challenges and opportunities in areas such as energy access, clean transportation and critical minerals. To understand the intricate dynamics of..Continue

State of the Indian Power Sector

In India, the coal based electricity dominates the power sector. But the country has set ambitious renewable power targets. This will bring about many techno-economic and socio-political changes. For example, Indian state owned enterprises in the power sector may have..Continue

Changing face of India’s Green Energy sector

India’s green energy landscape has witnessed remarkable growth and transformation in recent years, positioning the country as a global leader in the clean energy transition. With a growing population, rapid urbanization, and rising energy demands, India recognized the need to..Continue

A cover image of the podcast interview of Rahul Tongia and Tejal Kanitkar by TIEH

Path to Climate Justice in a Net Zero World

For years, multiple Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have relied on integrated assessment models or IAM modelling pathways to achieve global net zero targets.  The IPCC reports and IAM pathways have become key drivers of government policy on keeping..Continue

Varad Pande - Climate Finance & Investment Expert

What will it cost to save the planet? | ft. Varad Pande

Climate financing in India is crucial for achieving sustainable development and mitigating the impacts of climate change. The government’s efforts to mobilize climate finance, along with support from international institutions are essential for achieving these goals. In order to understand..Continue